Some see marketers as trying to sell anything to anybody with money! Great marketers know that the secret is to help both the customer and product owner by helping the customer find the product they want and the product owner by finding customers who their product was designed for.
“If you try to sell to everybody, you sell to nobody”
– The Marketing Review Guy
Who can the Marketing Review Guy help?
You, if you’re in one of these categories:
- Home business start-ups
- Digital marketing gurus and newbies alike
- Affiliate Marketers
- SEO Professionals looking for the tools of the trade
- Internet millionaire wannabes and get rich quickers (you know who you are)
- Tyre kickers
- Very smart dogs with access to the internet (hey I can always hope)
What does the Marketing Review Guy Review?
You may or may not be aware that internet marketing is big business! For digital marketers and those supplying products and services to said online marketers. Some of these products and services are amazing, perhaps even vital to any internet marketers toolbox. Others are at best pointless and can if used incorrectly can even cause damage to your business. I, the Marketing Review Guy take it upon myself to review these digital marketing products and sort the good from the bad and the ugly!